To free education from vanities and impurity, it should be characterized by human values such as peace, truth, compassion, honesty, justice, integrity, solidarity, civility, and respect.

To liberate education from superficial and corrupting influences, it is essential to imbue it with fundamental human values. These values serve as the guiding principles that shape the educational experience, fostering an environment conducive to genuine learning and personal development.

The pursuit of truth is at the core of education. This involves encouraging critical thinking, research, and a commitment to objective, evidence-based knowledge.

Academic integrity and personal honesty are crucial. Education should promote a commitment to truthfulness, discouraging dishonest practices such as plagiarism and cheating.

Education should promote a culture of peace, both internally within educational institutions and externally in the broader society. This involves cultivating understanding, tolerance, and conflict resolution skills.

It should instill a sense of empathy and compassion for others. It involves nurturing an understanding of diverse perspectives and experiences, fostering a more inclusive and caring society.

The concept of justice should be woven into the fabric of education. This includes ensuring equal opportunities for all, addressing inequalities, and promoting fairness in educational systems.

Upholding moral and ethical principles is fundamental. Education should cultivate individuals with strong moral character and a sense of personal integrity.

The sense of solidarity involves recognizing our interconnectedness. Education should promote a sense of community and global citizenship, encouraging individuals to work together for the common good.

A respectful and civil discourse is essential within educational settings. This involves promoting open-mindedness, constructive dialogue, and the ability to engage with differing opinions in a civilized manner.

Respect for oneself and others is a cornerstone of a positive learning environment. Education should teach the importance of respecting diversity, opinions, and the dignity of every individual.

By infusing education with these human values, it aims to produce individuals who not only possess academic knowledge but also exhibit qualities that contribute positively to society. The ultimate goal is to create a learning environment that not only imparts knowledge and skills but also shapes individuals who are ethical, compassionate, and committed to making the world a better place.

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